Mars is quite shaky, and now we have more proof. A seismic event recorded on our neighbor planet is now the greatest ever detected, with a magnitude of 4.7. Five times stronger than the InSight lander’s previous greatest earthquake on ...

Recently, astronomers came across a few fascinating leads in the quest for life on other planets. The discovery includes two Earth-like planets in the habitable zone of a red dwarf star named GJ 1002. Check out all the facts below. ...

The United Arab Emirates’ first lunar rover and a toylike Japanese robot built to roll around in the gray dust on the moon were launched on Sunday aboard a SpaceX rocket by a Tokyo firm with their own private lander. ...

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was utilized by researchers in order to make the discovery of three of the universe’s oldest galaxies. They came into being fewer than 400 million years after the Big Bang, which occurred 13.4 billion ...

Two new samples of regolith from the Mars 2020 Perseverance mission could aid researchers and engineers in their study of the Red Planet and planning of future missions. The NASA Perseverance rover collected two more samples from Mars on December ...

Researchers from Ohio State University have come up with a novel way to detect dark matter, one of the greatest mysteries to the cosmological community. Using ground-based radar to search for ionization trails, similar to those produced by meteors streaking ...

There is hope that the Perseverance rover has discovered organic molecules in the Jezero Crater rocks. Organic chemicals have been detected on Mars before, according to previous investigations. There is data to support this from the Curiosity rover, the Mars ...

Mark Rober, a former NASA scientist who now posts footage of experiments on YouTube, regularly uploads videos of experiments that leave viewers speechless. His channel is packed to the gills with amazing videos that show him experimenting with a variety ...

Sometimes asteroids come dangerously close to Earth, but they always miss us by a safe margin. Amazingly, astronomers have discovered three NEAs that were previously invisible due to the Sun’s intense light. These asteroids include the largest potentially dangerous object ...

In yet another example of its potential to reveal cosmic secrets, NASA’s most powerful space telescope has determined the molecular and chemical profile of an exoplanet’s atmosphere. Following its debut earlier this year, the James Webb Telescope’s extraordinary infrared capabilities ...