If Isaac Clarke, the protagonist of the “Dead Space” series, were to be introduced in Fortnite, he would probably be a bit confused at first. He’s used to fighting off hordes of Necromorphs, not dancing with other players in Tilted ...

Here’s one ugly truth about gaming that many of us have to learn to live with: even the most exciting games out there have their flaws, such as crashing or freezing right in the middle of the action when your ...

Destiny 2: Lightfall is set to release on the last day of February 2023 for the current-gen consoles (PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S), PC, and Google Stadia. Bungie is both the developer and the publisher of the upcoming game, ...

Ah, the joys of PC gaming! The satisfaction of building the perfect rig, with all the bells and whistles, and then having the capability to run the latest and greatest games on maximum settings. But, with great power comes great ...

Bright Memory: Infinite is a game launched in 2021 that will have you questioning your own sanity. It’s like a wild rollercoaster ride through a mind-bending world of science fiction and fantasy. You’ll play as a super-powered agent with a ...

Fortnite 23.20 update will air soon, bringing new skins, quests, a sleek collab, and more yet to be discovered. The latest Fortnite update comes in handy, considering that a month has passed since the last one! Curious about the Fortnite ...

Say what you want about the ‘Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero’ movie that came out last year, but we all have to admit that it represents a great source of inspiration for those who add fighters and different transformations to ...

We have very little time to wait for the release of the “Chef Life: A Restaurant Simulator” game for PC and consoles. The title is just a few weeks away from its launch, and playing it could allow you to ...

You may soon be willing to drop everything and start playing Fortnite like there’s no tomorrow. Are you ready for this? Fortnite, the battle royale game many of us know and love, has a secret weapon, and it’s not just ...

Dear boys and girls, gather around and prepare yourselves for an epic journey through the underworld because Dread Templar is here, and it’s ready to take you on a thrilling ride through Hell! This fast-paced retro FPS combines the nostalgia ...