Scientists have just learn something very interesting about our sun! There are slow-moving waves of plasma on the sun, and they could actually help us understand what’s going on with the star’s magnetic field. NASA’s Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) has ...

La Nina is known for its behavior and the fact that it can’t be controlled. It usually brings abnormal air pressure and warm waters to the Pacific Ocean. A new study found that La Nina rises the carbon export from ...

The worldwide “business as usual” approach to the ongoing problem of climate change has gotten our planet’s “vital signs” to reach record-breaking levels of deterioration, an influential team of scientists reported last Wednesday. They warned that we are about to ...

A new study highlights Earth’s current situation and is worse than we previously imagined. According to a team of scientists from NTU Singapore and Cambridge University, our planet experiences something quite peculiar yet shocking. The slow-motion collisions of tectonic plates ...

How much can the past inform the future? Can we figure out climate change better by analyzing bits of history? An international team of anthropologists, earth scientists, and geographers discusses a new approach called the archaeology of climate change. They ...

Clouds will increase global warming, and we can’t do pretty much anything about it, researchers warn us. New satellite data of Earth’s cloud cover unveils how clouds are very likely to amplify global heating. A team of scientists at Imperial ...

While most people know about the Pikachu character from the famous Pokemon animated show, much fewer folks are well aware that the cute yellow battling mouse has a homologous in real life. Known by the name of “plateau pika” or ...

Scientists initially believed that asteroids hitting Earth, such as the Chicxulub impactor that wiped out the dinosaurs, represent very rare events. There are plenty of reasons why you would be tempted to believe so, and one of them is represented ...

Deforestation and climate change shaped the Amazon rainforest’s future, turning it into a massive CO2 sink. A large part of the forest is now emitting more CO2 than it absorbs, as per a new report. The worst thing is that ...

The whole plastics economy is now waiting for a systematic change that can influence the oceans’ future. The current situation Earth faces is already featuring the worst-case scenario: more and more plastics end up in the ocean. So, a new ...