Every year on Jan. 5, foodies and dieters around the world celebrate National Keto Day. The ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that forces the body to burn fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. While it’s not exactly Atkins, ...

The new year is a great time to start fresh, and that includes improving your diet. Research shows that eating well can significantly improve your physical and mental health. But the cost of healthy eating may be one roadblock for ...

Eating habits that jumpstart weight loss are those that help you achieve your goals, whether you’d like to lose 5 pounds or 50. Trying to adopt better eating habits is no easy task, but it’s well worth the effort. Here ...

There are some foods which you must avoid if you want to lose weight. Healthy eating helps you keep a slim body and improve your health. But you should know that not all healthy food is good for weight loss; ...

What’s so great about almonds? It’s not just a matter of taste. There are many health benefits to eating almonds, from maintaining good cholesterol to reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Toss some in your cart the next ...

If you’re reading this, you probably already know the health benefits of a healthy diet: A balanced diet rich in whole foods can reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity, not to mention cancer. Toward the top of ...

The brain is a hungry organ and it needs the right food to stay at peak performance. Make sure you’re eating the right foods to help your brain perform at its best. Here are some of the best brain foods ...

Holidays are times to celebrate and enjoy, but the merriment comes with a price: food borne illness. Treats from the holidays, from homemade apple pie to Christmas cookies, can be a breeding ground for food-borne illnesses, caused by bacteria or ...

Getting leaner means burning more fat and building more muscle. This is the primary goal for anyone on a weight loss program. It’s not easy to achieve, but if you follow these tips, it’s a lot easier than trying to ...

Winter is here, and with it comes the threat of colds and flu. That’s why it’s important to be prepared with five everyday superfoods that can help you prevent winter bugs from taking hold. These five foods will not only ...