Hummus is a healthy dip, right? It’s just mashed chickpeas and sesame seeds, so how bad could it be? Tahini, the key ingredient in hummus, is rich in monounsaturated fats and essential minerals like copper. Hummus itself is low in ...

When it comes to dinner, I love easy recipes that are family-friendly. Creating healthy meals your whole family will love can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are a few foods that work well in just about any recipe. Tasty and ...

As many Americans make diet-related New Year’s goals, some discover that adjusting their eating habits may be an “unpleasant and demoralizing experience”—but it is not always. David Leonhardt and Tara Parker-Pope provide advice on how to view eating more thoughtfully ...

There are many healthy fruits that you can eat for your health. Of course, it is great to eat a variety of fruits. Healthy eating is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Apples are a healthful, nutritious, low-calorie ...

The first step to setting a positive nutrition goal is understanding what goes into a healthy diet and how that differs from a diet focused on weight loss. There are no bad foods, only bad diets. So if you want ...

Snacking is a great way to keep your metabolism going and avoid the blood sugar spikes you might get from a full meal. It’s crucial to choose healthy snacks, however. Many “snacks” are loaded with calories or carbohydrates that aren’t ...

A healthy diet is a key factor in weight loss and maintenance. If you find it hard to stick to good eating habits, here are seven tips to help: Replace sugary drinks with water. There’s evidence that drinking less sugary ...

When you work out, it is important to fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to perform to its potential. Having the right foods before you exercise can help boost your stamina, endurance and overall performance. Some of the ...

The majority of headaches are caused by tension and stress, but they can also be caused by caffeine withdrawal, dehydration or insufficient sleep. Some people experience them as a result of withdrawal from prescription medicines or recreational drugs. Treating severe ...

Orange is the new black. Okay, maybe that’s a stretch, but citrus fruits are a much-needed part of the winter diet. A lot of people think they’re just for flavoring and making juice, but oranges are superfoods in their own ...