Diet industry “disruptors” such as Joan Breibart, CEO of PhysicalMind Institute, are tapping into a growing consumer anger against diet advice that “just doesn’t work”. If the diet advice of the New York Times’ wellness writers — Gina Kolata, Tara ...

A lot of people don’t eat mindfully. They eat mindlessly, without really paying attention to what they’re eating. They eat on the go, they snack mindlessly, they eat while watching TV or checking their social media. Mindful eating means taking ...

Nuts are high in calories, and it’s pretty easy to eat more than you bargained for. But nuts also offer a host of health benefits, including protection against heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. In 2010, the ...

The emergence of Alzheimer’s disease in many people is a concerning thing in our society. A lot of elders have to deal with the issue. Alzheimer’s is also the most common form of dementia, and it can completely demolish an ...

According to the CDC, at least 127 people were sick – 18 were hospitalized – during an epidemic of salmonella covering dozens of States. As of September 15 15, outbreak-related infections were reported in 25 states, with only Texas reporting ...

The Covid-19 infection began to spread in 2019, and since then, children have been deeply affected by lockdowns, restrictions, online school, and lack of physical exercise. Many children and adolescents gained weight due to school disruption and closure, stress and ...

A research study on mice and humans proved that exercises such as resistance training or weight lifting promote changes in the level of fat cells. This is good news for those who love to hit the gym and those who ...

Organic food is healthy. There is no doubt about it. Many of today’s popular processed foods are not necessarily healthy and often loaded with unnecessary sugars and fats. There are many benefits to eating organic food and ranking organic as ...

A diet is something you follow to lose weight. To some it may sound like a fun way to get in shape, however, most people think of diets in terms of how they affect their body and the way it ...

The easiest and probably main choice when it comes to snacks is a snack bar. They are generally filled with low-calorie crunchy items, such as nuts, seeds, or chocolate, which may bring some extra energy to your day. The problem ...