Losing weight and feeling good in our own skin have been on the New Year’s Resolution list for many of us. As much as some of us want to lose weight and try several diets and physical activities, sometimes we ...

There are many types of oils and derivate on the market. At the same time, oil is one of the most common ingredients in most supermarket products. Some oils consumed in limited quantities have health benefits, while others, such as ...

Milk is a staple of most diets. It’s versatile, reasonably cheap, and widely available. So it’s not surprising that millions of people drink it every day. But is milk helpful or harmful to weight loss? Milk provides protein, calcium, and ...

Mushrooms have long been prized for their delicious, meaty flavor. But few people realize that this popular fungus can also be valuable health food. Mushrooms are packed with antioxidants, and like blueberries, are a rich source of flavonoid quercetin. These ...

Obesity is a critical condition that increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disorders, such as heart attacks and strokes. The pandemic also indicated a link between weight and COVID-19 severity, revealing that people who are overweight or obese are ...

With its rich flavor and bittersweet taste, dark chocolate is a treat many people enjoy. However, many people do not realize that dark chocolate is full of health benefits. Chocolate is not only delicious but also has many health benefits. ...

Aging is a fact of life. But that doesn’t imply you can’t slow things down a little. The first step you can do is avoid unwittingly assisting time by engaging in daily practices that progressively age your physique. Here are ...

Whether we like it or not, living longer inevitably means becoming older sooner or later. But those years of hoar don’t necessarily have to be loaded with trips to the pharmacy and the doctor. Healthy aging can be achieved by ...

Lifestyle changes are important, but dieting is a distraction. Dieting is a technique for losing weight, and like all techniques, it has its uses, but over-used and misused, it can be harmful. Dieting relies on the idea that weight loss ...

As parents, we want to provide our children with the best possible food and nutrition to grow healthy and happy. A study conducted by the University of East Anglia found that the intake of fruits and vegetables is related to schoolchildren’s mental ...