Google is one of the best tech companies at the moment. You have likely used at least one Google device or piece of software during your lifetime, since the tech giant owns various services like YouTube, Gmail, the operating system ...

Garena RoV is fantastic – It allows gamers to challenge each other with an impressive 5V5 MOBA experience for smartphones. With extra impressive heroes and numerous freebie items, we can safely say that the game is a total hit in ...

Persona 5 Strikers has received an 85% score from Metacritic, and there’s no wonder why since it shall be an entertaining hack and slash role-playing game. The title will be launched on February 23 for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and ...

NVIDIA never seems to rest when it comes to creating powerful video cards. Whether you’re into high-end gaming, video-editing, or any other fancy stuff you can do on your PC, grabbing a graphics card from NVIDIA should always do the ...

Who says that only PlayStations and Xboxes have to dominate the gaming world? Nintendo brought a powerful alternative in 2017 with its Switch device, but Sony and Microsoft still had the upper-hand. But suddenly and out of nowhere, Huawei seems ...

Most people enjoy video games with Nazis, and another one is on its way for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Namely Paradise Lost, the upcoming game presents the story of Szymon, a 12-year-old boy who discovers a massive Nazi ...

The Xiaomi Mi 11 was introduced in China in 2020, and it was met with tremendous success. Unfortunately, it isn’t yet available outside of China, and we don’t know what will happen. Thankfully, the company decided to announce that they ...

Windows 10 users are used to faulty updates of Microsoft’s latest operating system, which is one of the reasons why so many people still prefer Windows 7. Neither of us is a fan of apps crashing or the spooky ‘Blue ...

The world of smartphone manufacturers never seems to run out of ideas, as the handy little devices that we all love make our lives better in many ways. Whether you’re passionate about taking photos, you’re into games, you like being ...

Surely everyone loves Goku and Vegeta, as well as their amusing relationship. Both characters come in all sorts of transformations in Dragon Ball FighterZ, and many of their rivals are also there. Warriors like Frieza, Cell, Buu, or Baby have ...