If you’re also into survival games, playing The Texas Chainsaw Massacre becomes a pretty good idea. The iconic and groundbreaking horror movie with the same title has obviously been the main source of inspiration for this game, and it can ...

Once you’ve read that title, surely you’re thinking that the author is some sort of tech nazi who is clearly against smartphones. No, that’s not true, although it could be possible to “survive” without a smartphone even in 2024. Smartphones ...

A lot of people would call you crazy if you tell them that you want to use a feature phone (aka a mobile phone with physical buttons) and ditch your smartphone. Pretty much everyone uses a smartphone nowadays, but that ...

Believe it or not, there are a lot of folks out there who prefer retro games for PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, SNES, Sega Genesis, Arcade, and other “ancient” consoles to the detriment of modern games with highly realistic graphics. No, ...

We recently spoke about some of the most interesting Dragon Ball characters who should been resurrected and about characters who got amazing introductions. For the current article, it’s time to remind a bit about those forgotten Dragon Ball characters who ...

The Dragon Ball franchise is well-known for involving a high number of characters, and some of them left the screens way too early. There are plenty of characters out there that have shown some exciting potential without necessarily taking the ...

Dragon Ball is known for frequently bringing new characters to the scene, and some of them had some pretty unforgettable entrances. That’s why we need to remind you about some of them during this article, while we can certainly wait ...

Although Dragon Ball fans are preparing for a brand new anime of their favorite franchise to debut in the fall of 2024, which is known as Dragon Ball Daima, we can’t completely forget about how Dragon Ball began. It all ...

When you think about Dragon Ball, the first things that pop into your mind are those long and cataclysmic battles, the power-ups, the energy blasts, as well as Krillin’s infinite losing streaks. But Dragon Ball, whether we speak about the ...

Raditz, the evil brother of Goku who was introduced in the very first episode of Dragon Ball Z, has proven to represent one of the most badass entrances in the history of the franchise. That long rockstar hair, Saiyan armor, ...