After the devastating news of the Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama himself passing away recently and seeing that Dragon Ball projects are still on their way, it’s time for a little tier list of some of the most interesting characters ...

Akira Toriyama, the mastermind behind the famous Dragon Ball franchise, has passed away at the age of 68 years old. The information is brought by his studio, which means that, unfortunately, there’s no room for misinterpretation or doubt. The cause ...

There are more and more people out there who decide to stop using social media apps. Whether they are into Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, or other apps, those folks decided that social media‘s downsides outweigh the positive aspects. Those who ...

Goku, the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball franchise, is known in Dragon Ball Super as going through a serious downgrade in its character. A lot of fans are disappointed by the beloved Saiyan, who seems to care about nothing ...

Microsoft might be doing its best to give us quality services through its latest operating systems, Windows 11 and Windows 10, but even so, not everybody is impressed by them. A lot of folks are still clinging to much older ...

A lot of Counter-Strike fans became upset that Valve recently decided to launch Counter-Strike 2 as a free and mandatory update for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. That means that there’s no more possibility for CS: GO to stick around, which was ...

A lot of Dragon Ball fans out there are pissed off that Vegeta often gets beaten by the main villain and that, therefore, the Saiyan Prince never gets to be the hero of the show for once. Instead, Goku is ...

Goku, the main hero of Dragon Ball, who always fights for the good cause and to protect the Earth, is often portrayed as stupid or gullible. Guess what? That’s totally true! However, Goku has a good excuse for being like ...

Rockstar Games made a lot of GTA fans happy back in early 2023 when it released a remastered version of the legendary GTA San Andreas game that originally came out 20 years ago. That title remains one of the most ...

Back in 2007, when there was no trace of social media on a large scale, and people had other preoccupations than posting online everything they did on a daily basis, one of the best mobile phones ever made emerged: the ...