In a world that can’t live a single day without social media, Meta Platforms Inc. warns that it may leave European netizens without both Facebook and Instagram. The tech giant demands to keep having the possibility of transferring user data ...

If you don’t want to be on the menu of mosquitoes, you should stop wearing certain colors that attract those insects. One explanation for why mosquitoes hurtle right towards our skin to chow down on it is that they see ...

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was finally launched by NASA on Christmas 2021 after a long series of delays. Astronomers put a lot of faith in the telescope, considering that it’s able to unpuzzle a lot of mysteries of ...

COVID infection is certainly not the same for everyone. Some people die, and others who get cured go through a living hell. In the case of the latter category, it seemed like just a matter of time until lung transplant ...

Everything becomes outdated in this world, and it even applies to the dragon balls that summon the Eternal Dragon Shenron. If you remember back in the day of the very first Dragon Ball anime, when Goku was a child, King ...

Every gamer knows that it’s just a matter of time until GTA 6 arrives on the market. The prequel GTA 5 is already eight years old. This means that the Grand Theft Auto fans have to wait more than ever ...

Mason Greenwood, the English striker of Manchester United, was arrested on Sunday after allegations of rape, assault, sexual assault, as well as “making threats to kill”. As a result, EA Sports decided to remove the player from FIFA 22, according ...

It’s only a matter of time until GTA 6 will come to the market, regardless of how unbearable the wait is at this point. The developers from Rockstar are still dead silent, as there’s not even an official trailer available. ...

When the ongoing COVID pandemic first broke out, countries from all across the world started to impose all sorts of lockdowns and restrictions. The officials believed that by applying such measures, fewer people would get infected with the coronavirus. A ...

Hackers are getting better and better at distributing powerful malware. Our antiviruses need regular updating, as well as our own vigilance. Sometimes it’s enough to put your mind to work enough, without having to rely too much on specific software. ...