Your Guide to Knowing the Difference Between Whole Grain and Whole Wheat

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The argument over what kind of bread is healthiest has been going on for years. Many nutritionists say that whole grains are healthier than refined grains, because whole grains have more fiber and nutrients. Others say that refined grains are healthier than whole grains because the process of refining removes all the nutrients.

How do these two views compare?

You see, whole grains and white bread are actually the same, just with different ingredients. Whole grains are milled from whole-grain kernels, while the flour used to make white bread is milled from refined wheat. They’re the same because all whole wheat flour is refined whole wheat flour. All white bread is refined white bread.

So, how is the nutritional value of white bread any different from that in whole wheat?

The nutritional value of white bread is the same as that in whole wheat flour. The difference is just in the ingredients. The refining process removes some of the nutrients from whole wheat flour.
What then are whole grains good for?

Whole grains are good for you because they help you to feel full. Whole grains contain more fiber. Fiber keeps you feeling full for a long time.

But does fiber make you fatter?

No. Fiber doesn’t cause weight gain. It’s calories that do that. What fiber does is to keep you from eating too much. When you eat plenty of fiber, you feel full without eating much.

What then is the nutritional difference between white bread and whole wheat?

Whole wheat contains more protein, vitamins, and minerals. In fact, whole wheat has about 6-7 times as much protein as white bread. When whole wheat first came into the American diet, it was generally seen as a healthy alternative to refined white flour. But recently, new studies have begun to suggest that whole grain is not any healthier than white bread.

Susan Kowal
Susan Kowal is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor/advisor, and health enthusiast.