Unless you’re an alien who came to Earth recently, surely you found out that eating fruits every day is a good idea if you care about your health. They can grant huge benefits, such as providing essential vitamins and minerals, ...

Many people out there spend money each month to buy supplements and multivitamins, hoping to have better health. There’s no wonder why, as these are thought to maintain our health at optimum levels. But is that really true? According to ...

Taking care of your skin is not a one-time job. You can’t put something on your face and expect some incredible results overnight. You need to build a healthy and mighty skin care routine to support your skin’s appearance and ...

Vitamin C is an all-time favourite skin care ingredient, very efficient in protecting and repairing the skin. But not all vitamin C serums come with the right formula. Before you stock up on serums, it’s better to understand how truly ...

Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is essential because it supports the nervous system, produces red blood cells and helps make DNA. Because this vitamin is so important, people sometimes choose to supplement it. Could they risk an overdose? Vitamin B12 is ...

Vitamin B6 is essential for your cardiovascular health, metabolism, and it’s an efficient nutrient that can boost your immune system. However, as good as vitamin B6 is for you, there’s a catch. This vitamin is water-soluble, meaning that it is ...