Black holes remain some of the most mysterious and dangerous cosmic objects, as falling into one will almost certainly not give you the ability to travel in time, as happened in the sci-fi movie “Interstellar” from 2014. Black holes can ...

Does God exist? If so, how can we be sure of his existence? Does life has any objective person, or is it just the outcome of cosmic disorder and pure luck? People had been asking those questions since the dawn ...

Even though 95% of the Universe is invisible and all of it has pretty much the same temperature everywhere, astronomers still made it possible to study many of the galaxies and stars existing out there. They probably didn’t cover even ...

This new instrument is ready to fly to Europa or Enceladus. But for what exactly is this instrument? NASA scientists are trying to find new locations where life could exist. So far, it is Saturn’s moon En, celadus, and Jupiter’s ...

Halloween is just around the corner, and reality can be a lot more frightening than any horror movie. A new audio recording of a solar storm colliding with the magnetic field of our planet can definitely prove it. The recording ...

From all the billions of trillions of stars that exist in the Universe, the M dwarfs are the most abundant type. Surely the exact number of stars is unknown, but astronomers are pretty sure that they are more prevalent than ...

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has already proved that it has what it takes to explore space and beyond. Recent data again support the telescope’s fantastic work by revealing incredible cosmic features! Astronomers were left in awe after they ...

Researchers are now able to compute the age and rate of the Universe’s expansion with an unparalleled level of accuracy thanks to a new map of the distances of tens of thousands of galaxies. Even though the cosmos continually expands, ...

A fantastic image shows a million-mile-long plume emerging from the Sun, and it’s like nothing you’ve seen before. Professional astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy took the incredible picture. According to the astrophotographer, the blazing filament, also known as a coronal mass ejection ...

According to a recent study, the water underneath Saturn’s moon Enceladus may be filled in phosphorus, a key feature of life as we know it. That could solve long-standing quests about the Universe, as well. The biochemistry of life depends ...