The Weeknd’s upcoming series, The Idol, is the most awaited summer show. Wondering what it’s like to be famous and rich? Welcome to the new show HBO Max’s The Idol. After The Weeknd drama losing his voice because of the acting, continue ...
Abel Tesfaye, known as The Weeknd, said he forgot how to sing after he played in the new HBO series ”The Idol.” This series is his new creation, and as we can see, it led to a breakdown for Abel. ...
The Weeknd’s 2015 album Beauty Behind The Madness is the first album with three Diamond singles, including Can’t Feel My Face, Earned It, and The Hills. All these songs sold over 10 million album-equivalent units and have significant streaming numbers. In the meantime, Beauty is ...
The song belongs to the Weeknd and is now the most streamed song on Spotify. The 2019 hit ” Blinding Lights” spent almost two years on Billboard Hot 100 chart, showing the song’s immense popularity. The streaming service was announced ...
The Weeknd’s debut album, Dawn Fm, debuted at #1 on Apple Music and Spotify in the United States and 125 other countries. The total number of streams has topped 500 million. The artist has two rare albums in the top ten. ...