Recent reports about two common sunscreen ingredients, octinoxate, and oxybenzone, have stirred quite the buzz. The ingredients are now banned because they threaten the oceans’ health. With climate change shaping Earth’s future and pollution triggering the worst-case scenario we could ...

Did you applied sunscreen but still been caught out? It’s the worst-case scenario that could happen to you this summer while out in the sun.  In a perfect world, we’d all be super cautious with our high SPF usage, reapply ...

Sunscreen formulas have changed in recent years, and finding the best product is not an easy job at all. What works for one person’s skin might not work for you, and let’s face it, no one wants a sunscreen product ...

Yes, wearing sunscreen every day is a must. But do you know why? Besides protecting you from any sunburns, sunscreen can also prevent many skin issues, including premature ageing or hyperpigmentation. According to specialists, sunscreen should be applied every day, ...