Black holes remain some of the most mysterious and dangerous cosmic objects, as falling into one will almost certainly not give you the ability to travel in time, as happened in the sci-fi movie “Interstellar” from 2014. Black holes can ...

This month, we will be treated to a double feature courtesy of the cosmos: first, we will see two rare supermoons, and then, we will see an extremely uncommon blue moon. At events such as this, you shouldn’t pass up ...

The annual meteor shower known as the Perseids takes place between July 17 and August 24, and it is widely considered to be one of the most spectacular celestial occurrences that can be witnessed. On the night of August 13, ...

You can now witness the incredible action live event right when SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket blasts off for the sixth time today (April 27). The much-awaited event will finally take place at 7:29 p.m. EDT (23:29 GMT), where the powerful ...

Alaska’s skies are quite intriguing lately, with phenomena that can’t just go unnoticed! A recent event amazed people, but it has a simple explanation. It began with Todd Salat, who was outside early on Saturday morning (April 15), and his ...

The youngest known supernova part of the Milky Way, Cassiopeia A, had kind of a bloody past, as shown in new James Webb Space Telescope photos. It seems that once again, as the Universe unfolds right before our eyes, more ...

On January 28, a green laser was seen slicing across the night sky over the Hawaiian islands, quietly following a path towards the horizon like a glitch in the Matrix’s coding. From the highest point in Hawaii, a telescope captured ...

The thrill of capturing the night sky with a Samsung flagship smartphone can indeed be priceless! It’s like trying to capture the essence of a galaxy with a shooting star-sized lens. But hey, with the right settings and a steady ...

This week, a newly found asteroid will approach Earth quite closely. Gennadiy Borisov, an astronomer at the MARGO Observatory in Crimea, found asteroid 2023 BU on Saturday, January 21. Its width is estimated to be between 12 and 28 feet ...

Radio waves coming from the furthest galaxy yet seen have been picked up by astronomers. The signal was found at a particular and important wavelength called the 21-centimeter line, which is released by neutral hydrogen atoms. This particular and significant wavelength ...