Pokemon Go welcomes Galar-region Legendary Zacian right when the final part of the Ultra Unlock celebrations starts on August 20. Zacian is a mighty ‘mon that’ll appear in the 5-Star Raids for a week. So, we’ve compiled a list of ...

If you’re into Legendary Pokémon, surely you are fascinated by what Palkia is capable of. Known also as a Dragon/Water-type Pokémon, Palkia can prove to be a pretty tough companion for a trainer. According to FutureGameReleases.com, a new Raid Hour ...

A new bug makes those cathing an Eevee in Pokémon GO to get to evolve it without needing to walk 10 kilometres. The evolving part is still limited to only two Pokémon instead of eight as the usual number of ...

Pokemon Go’s Raid Battles are now a major part of the in-game experience. Every month we get to enjoy a brand-new set of ‘mon from common 1-Stars to rare 5-Star Legendaries to battle and catch. August is a thrilling month ...

You may be well-aware of Heracross, the dual-type bug/fighting Pokémon that proved to be a faithful and useful companion for Ash in the anime. Defeating tough opponents such as Gary’s Magmar or a Scizor, Heracross stands out due to its ...

The Pokemon GO Space themed second Ultra Unlock Reward event is going strong now, and trainers can be awarded with some very convenient rewards. Trainers who partake in the July GO Fest 2021 event can roam across the world and ...

Pokémon Go players were not happy with the recent changes, and the creators got the message loud and clear. After fans threatened to boycott the mobile game, Niantic has officially responded. It seems that reverting PokéStop and Gym interaction distance ...

All of you skilled Pokémon trainers out there should be aware of the new info, as your journeys to become Pokémon masters could be affected. According to Pokémon GO dataminers, the PokeStop interaction distance changes for some countries. Players will ...

Pokemon Go‘s Ultra League Remix is a brand-new adventure you shouldn’t miss! Trainers have to come up with strategies to rise to the top of the ranks and prove their best skills. However, as fun as it might sound, the ...

Porygon is a very popular Virtual Pokemon, though he is a Normal-type in the game. However, there is one detail about him that displeases some players – Porygon is one of the hardest Pokemon to evolve. To evolve the Pokemon, ...