Pokemon Go welcomes Galar-region Legendary Zacian right when the final part of the Ultra Unlock celebrations starts on August 20.
Zacian is a mighty ‘mon that’ll appear in the 5-Star Raids for a week. So, we’ve compiled a list of everything you need to know, including Zacian’s counters, moveset, and how to catch it.
Zacian’s Counters in Pokemon Go
- Mega Beedril: Poison Jab + Sludge Bomb;
- Scizor: Bullet Punch + Iron Head;
- Aggron: Iron Tail + Heavy Slam;
- Dialga: Metal Claw + Iron Head;
- Vileplume: Acid + Sludge Bomb;
- Metagross: Bullet Punch + Meteory Mash;
- Excadrill: Metal Claw + Iron Head;
- Roserade: Poison Jab + Sludge Bomb;
- Gengar: Lick + Sludge Bomb.
Zacian’s Moveset
Zacian is a powerful Legendary ‘mon with 4 potential Fast Moves and 4 potential Charged Moves. It might turn into quite the challenging battle, depending on which move the 5-Star Raid Boss uses.
Check Out Zacian’s potential moves:
- Iron Head: Steel;
- Wild Charge: Electric;
- Metal Claw: Steel;
- Quick Attack: Normal;
- Snarl: Dark;
- Play Rough: Fairy;
- Fire Fang: Fire;
- Close Combat: Fighting.

Zacian’s Weaknesses
Zacian is a Fairy-type, meaning that some Poison and Steel-type attacks will do the trick and knock the ‘mon down just fine!
How to Catch Zacian
When it comes to Legendary ‘mon, the only way to catch one is to involve in quite the challenging process.
You can catch Zacian by only defeating it in a 5-Star Raid Battle. Remember that you’ll have only a limited amount of Premier Balls to throw.
Zacian arrives on August 20, at 10 AM until August 26, at 10 AM local time. The ‘mon will be then replaced by Zamazenta.
Is There a Shiny Zacian in Pokemon Go?
Sadly, a Shiny Zacian is currently unavailable in the game. Niantic never brings a new Pokemon alongside its Shiny version.
However, we may get a Shiny Zacian in a future event! The Shiny ‘mon has been already seen in Sword and Shield on the Nintendo Switch and proved to be quite the catch.
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