Jupiter’s rings might not dazzle like Saturn’s iconic bands, but they hold their own quiet intrigue. In fact, one of Jupiter’s rings might owe its existence to a cosmic smash-up nearly three decades ago. Scientists now propose that the spectacular ...
As space unfolds itself right before its lens, the Juno spacecraft from NASA was able to catch something quite peculiar yet breathtaking When something like this happens, it leaves one in a state of amazement and wonder about what such ...
A thorough examination of data spanning four decades has discovered something fishy going on with Jupiter. Jupiter is considered the biggest planet in the Solar System, so it should come as no surprise that it is incredibly different from ours. ...
How can we learn if a tunnelbot powered by nuclear reactors finds life under Europa’s icy crust and how can scientists back on Earth contact a submerged probe? We know very little about the composition of that ice, its thickness, ...
Our solar system’s biggest planet, Jupiter, will soon come closer to Earth than it has in the last 70 years. On September 26, when it is at opposition, the planet is at its brightest and easiest to see. Seen from ...
Jupiter’s auroras and other features are being revealed more clearly than ever before thanks to the newest and most advanced space telescope in the world. On Monday, researchers from various institutions shared photographs of the largest planet in our solar ...
Extraordinary images of Jupiter have been made possible by the world’s biggest and most space telescope: the James Webb Space Telescope! Back in July, JWST captured pictures of the giant planet in the solar system. Now, we get the chance ...
All four giant planets from our Solar System (Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune) have some level of ‘rings,’ meaning debris from comets, asteroids, shattered moons, etc. If you’re at least a bit interested in astronomy, you know very well that ...
The world’s most powerful space telescope ever built, meaning NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), released its first full-color images of the distant Universe yesterday, July 12. But that wasn’t all the new stuff that JWST has in store for ...
In our solar system, Jupiter was one of the earliest planets to form, but we know very little about the process through which it came to be. Jupiter, according to a new scientific research, is the biggest planet in our ...
While space agencies still have a lot of trouble figuring out how to send humans to the nearest planet, maybe landing them on an asteroid would be easier. Similar to how Bruce Willis’s character from the sci-fi Armageddon movie landed ...
Experts think that Europa’s subterranean lakes of salty water might be ideal locations to hunt for indications of life outside our planet’s atmosphere. Researchers uncovered evidence for the existence of tiny ponds under the Jovian moon’s frozen surface after seeing ...
Who can possibly miss the chance of seeing some of our Solar System’s planets in the sky in the dawn? We can all consider ourselves lucky if we get that chance, even if we see the space objects with the ...
Jupiter is easily one of the big conundrums of our Solar System, and for good reasons. Scientists still didn’t uncover all that is to know about the formation of the gas giant. Nobody can fully explain how Jupiter evolved in ...
Planets do not take much longer to form after stars have formed. For example, the Sun formed 4.6 billion years ago, and the Earth about 4.5 billion years ago. However, scientists now say it is not necessarily the only possibility. ...
NASA’s Lucy mission aims to explore lots of Trojan asteroids, meaning that there’s a lot of astronomical work to do. The cosmic journey will last for 12 years, meaning that there’s a lot of time available for gathering precious information. ...
New data offered by NASA’s Juno probe unveil Jupiter’s moon, like never before! Ganymede stuns in an infrared picture, leaving astronomers in awe. Juno’s observations help scientists understand Jupiter and its moon better, unraveling mysteries about the intriguing Jovian system. ...
When we hear about radio waves and other kinds of signals coming from space, the first thing that pops into the mind is that aliens are trying to “wave” at us. The exciting and funny thing is that we have ...
NASA is preparing to send its Lucy spacecraft into space in October, having the purpose of starting a 12-year journey to asteroids as well as six trojans of Jupiter. The spacecraft will be equipped with a time capsule for future ...
The planet Jupiter has always been a conundrum for astronomers, and even today, there are more things to learn about it. Except from being the biggest and fastest spinning planet from our Solar System, as well as a world made ...
At a first astronomical glance, Jupiter is nothing but a huge wasteland dozen times bigger than Earth. Our neighbouring planet is not even solid, as it’s made almost entirely of gases, such as hydrogen and helium. Common sense tells us ...
NASA’s Juno enrolled in what seemed to be one of the most daring space missions: exploring Ganymede. Massive, heavily cratered, and grey, Jupiter’s largest moon unfolded in front of Juno’s eyes, unveiling a shocking aspect. How did Juno succeed to ...
A new study shows enough proof to support the existence of helium rain inside planets. After four decades, scientists finally discuss that helium rain is possible over a range of temperature and pressure conditions that reflect those supposed to happen ...
As new research emerges, we learn how our neighbour, Jupiter, has more secrets than previously believed. A team of scientists discovered that the edge of Jupiter’s huge magnetosphere has quite an effect on the planet. New faint aurora traits have ...
Recent exoplanet-hunting mission puts in the spotlight a quite odd cosmic body. Without clouds, but with a clear atmosphere, an exoplanet unveiled itself in front of the space telescopes’ eyes, like nothing seen before. As intriguing and strange as it ...