The closest solar system to ours is located about 4.3 light-years away from Earth. It’s known as Alpha Centauri, and it’s the place where at least three planets revolve around the Proxima Centauri host star. In other words, finding interstellar ...

To make matter even colder than the darkest parts of space, a team of researchers has managed to chill it to within a billionth of a degree of absolute zero. The experiment, run at the University of Kyoto in Japan, ...

Interstellar space is one of the most intriguing subjects for astronomers. We still know little about what lies there or beyond it. However, bits of interstellar space reached our Solar System. With that in mind, NASA decided to develop a ...

Remember that interstellar visitor that confused everyone with its unknown structure and origin? Well, it’s back in the spotlight, and we have some new details about it. Oumuamua, first believed to be an alien object, might actually be just a ...