From the long list of misconceptions about Goku, today we want to analyze another one. All Dragon Ball fans must be sick of people claiming that Goku is a bad father. They invoke how Gohan was raised, as Goku’s son ...

The Tournament of Power from the Dragon Ball Super anime left all the fans speechless back in March 2018 when the mighty tyrant Frieza proved to make a great team with Goku. The two warriors are sworn enemies, but Frieza ...

In the manga version of Dragon Ball Super, both Goku and Vegeta had achieved heights in power that they would have never thought possible. And most probably, neither did the fans themselves. Goku finally managed to master his Ultra Instinct ...

A lot of people still believe that Dragon Ball is only about Goku winning and always becoming stronger. That is indeed false. We’ve presented in a previous article some important battles that Goku lost in the history of the franchise, ...

Goku is clearly the most beloved Dragon Ball character, and he’s also one of the strongest in the history of the legendary franchise. But when someone says stuff like “Dragon Ball is boring because Goku always wins,” he clearly doesn’t ...

We all know that Goku is insanely strong and that he never stops training. But even so, different decisions and circumstances from different timelines led to different manifestations of our hero’s powers. If Dragon Ball Super focuses on one timeline ...

Throughout the famous Dragon Ball franchise, we’ve seen some good characters turning evil and some wrongdoers becoming good. We’ve even seen the almighty Goku becoming bad to the bone as a result of his body being stolen. It happened in ...

Even since the Dragon Ball Z anime ended, the power levels of the Z warriors achieved unprecedented heights. We’re not sure if Krillin and Yamcha managed to improve after the end of Z, but as for the rest, those power ...

Goku and Vegeta had a pretty interesting relationship in Dragon Ball. Vegeta is the Prince of all Saiyans, and he got severely hurt in his ego, seeing that Goku, who was mainly considered a low-class warrior, surpassed him in strength. ...

Vegeta has been finally keeping up with Goku in the Dragon Ball Super Manga. The two Saiyans seem to finally be pretty even in strength, as Vegeta recently developed the Ultra Ego form that challenges his rival’s Ultra Instinct technique. ...