Pokemon Go Fashion Week Event – Furfrou Debut, New Outfits, and More

Source: Niantic / Pokemon Go

Gotta catch ’em all but make it fashion! Niantic has just announced the third event of the amazing Season of Mischief: Fashion Week.

The Season of Mischief aired last month (August), and Pokemon Go teased that there will be eight cool mini-events launching throughout. We’ve seen the debut of Hoopa and Malamar, and now we’re getting ready to welcome the Poodle Pokemon, Furfrou, and many other costumed ‘mon.

Here is what you need to know.

Pokemon Go Fashion Week Release Date

Fashion Week will air on September 21, at 10 AM, and it’ll be available until September 28, at 8 PM, local time.

BONUS: the release of Furfrou and its many forms will also bring a sleek new form change mechanic, which is very useful for other Pokemon.

Source: The Pokemon Company

Furfrou Forms in Pokemon Go Fashion Week

Furfrou will allow players to change the form of some Pokemon, depending on the region they’re playing. Here are all the available forms:

  • Debutante Trim: in the US;
  • Natural Form: in the wild – worldwide;
  • Dandy Trim: worldwide;
  • Pharaoh Trim: in Egypt;
  • Star Trim: in the Asia-Pacific;
  • Heart Trim: coming soon!
  • Matron Trim: worldwide;
  • La Reine Trim: in France;
  • Diamond Trim: in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East;
  • Kabuki Trim: in Japan.

Costumed Pokemon Spawns in Pokemon Go

Some ‘mon will be available to encounter in costumes, including Sneasel and Butterface. The best part: they’ll also be joined by costumed ‘mon from previous special events!

We’ve compiled a cool list of every spawn:

  • Costumed Sneasel and Shinx will spawn in 1-star raids;
  • Alolan Meowth, Costumed Smoochum, Galarian Meowth, and Shinx will hatch from 7km eggs;
  • Costumed Kirlia, Croagunk, and Butterfree will spawn in the wild;
  • Costumed Kirlia and Butterfree will occur in 3-star raids.

We might also get Shiny Butterfree, Shiny Smoochum, Shiny Shinx, Shiny Blitzle, Shiny Sneasel, Shiny Croagunk, or Shiny Kirlia!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.