On Earth, quasicrystals are only ever created under the most severe conditions. They need a very high-shock, high-temperature, and high-pressure event to occur. Only in extreme cases, like a nuclear blast, can we ever see such a phenomenon. From common ...

Minecraft, the legendary game that never gets old, is now joining forces with SpongeBob SquarePants for a new crossover. The collaboration will surely gather even more players than before, although we believe that it might not really be necessary in ...

In the recent future, perhaps nobody will be willing anymore to play video games just by looking at a flat screen. Virtual Reality technology will likely become a lot more popular among gamers, and Meta will likely remain one of ...

Meta once again shows that it’s giving a lot of attention to the well-known Facebook app for Android, and there’s no wonder why. Back in April, there were almost 3 billion people using the social network. That’s more than a ...

In the Post-Covid’19 period, the trend of having a gym at home has increased at a rapid speed. Due to unnumbered health problems and issues, people are usually unable to find their way to the gym. However, getting fitness equipment ...

More and more modern women have access to some kind of wrinkle cream. This is because everybody wonders how the skin will age in the future. Some of you probably wish he/she was more careful about caring for the skin ...

The benefits of ultrasound for women have been seen in breast cancer and Pregnancy. For example, a new ultrasound scan machine is being used in breast cancer, which is more precise in identifying cancerous lumps. The machine is also able ...

A release candidate for this year’s software upgrade, Android 13 Beta 4, is now available for all Pixel phones thanks to a recent update that brought it only a few of weeks ago. We pointed out at the time that, ...

Google released the final beta version of Android 13 to developers almost two weeks ago. The beta program has through its fourth complete iteration, which resulted in the addition of a number of new features and a great number of ...

The No Sweat Summer event in Fortnite is now underway. This is a kind of limited-time promotion used in many live service games, such as Destiny 2.   Epic has added Rebuild the Block Quests, in which the players may ...