Omicron Early Signs: The New Variant’s Striking Indication in Your Eyes

Omicron is the most prevalent strain in the United Kingdom, with daily cases totaling more than a hundred thousand persons in the country.

There has been a correlation established between the novel variety and symptoms that vary somewhat from the usual three Covid indicators. According to an expert, a lesser-known symptom occurs in the eyes.

The following are the three Covid symptoms:

  • Fever
  • A new, persistent cough
  • A loss or alteration in your sense of smell or taste

On the other hand, the Omicron variety seems to be generating a somewhat distinct set of symptoms.

Pink Eye is the New Symptom

Dr. Aslam said that conjunctivitis is a marker that might indicate the presence of Omicron. Conjunctivitis, often known as pink eye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva. This thin membrane borders the inside of your eyelids and is responsible for the appearance of pink eye.

This symptom will not make you want to crawl into bed, and as a result, it may be challenging to identify as an indication of Covid disease. As indicated by the doctor from Golden Eye, Covid variations are able to target the eyes because “cell receptors, via which Covid variants enter the body, are present in the eye.

This is accomplished by deceiving Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE-2) receptors into believing that it is the ACE-2 enzyme, thereby allowing the virus to enter the body. 

“These receptors are found in different parts of the eye – cells which line the retina, eye white and eyelid.”

In a recent study published in the Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, researchers hypothesized that conjunctivitis would be a sign of COVID-19. The subject of this research was a 29-year-old lady who presented herself to her local hospital in March of 2020.

According to the doctor, the lady had only mild respiratory symptoms, but she was suffering from “a severe case of conjunctivitis,” according to the doctor. In light of the fact that she tested positive for coronavirus, anyone who has this symptom is now considered a prospective Covid patient.

The evidence for Omicron seems to be considerably more compelling.

The following is Dr. Aslam explained that a preliminary – as of yet unpublished – research demonstrates that the Omicron variation has a larger potential for binding to ACE-2 receptors when compared to the Beta and Delta variants. This would imply that conjunctivitis might be a sign of the Omicron form, as stated by the researcher.

Moreover, the doctor said that ordinarily asymptomatic patients might have this manifestation. According to accounts from South Africa, the Omicron variety also displays scratchy throat, muscle pains that are not severe, tiredness to the extreme, dry cough, night sweats are common occurrences.

As Dr. Aslam said that is critical to safeguard your eyes by keeping them clean and addressing any redness or discharge as soon as possible. If there is any crust on each eye, wipe it away with an individual, clean cotton wool pad soaked in cooled boiling water.

Several eye drops and eye ointments are available to treat mild conjunctivitis infections. 

Tonia Nissen
Based out of Detroit, Tonia Nissen has been writing for Optic Flux since 2017 and is presently our Managing Editor. An experienced freelance health writer, Tonia obtained an English BA from the University of Detroit, then spent over 7 years working in various markets as a television reporter, producer and news videographer. Tonia is particularly interested in scientific innovation, climate technology, and the marine environment.