Google Search Can Now Detect Skin Conditions Helping Its Users Worldwide


Google has introduced lots of cool new search upgrades, which include topics such as health, vacation planning, and online shopping for clothes. As for the health matter, this is where Google really shines! As a result of the most recent upgrade, Lens will be able to recognize some characteristics of your skin. Exactly how does that process work?

Simply upload a photo into Lens, and it will display other pictures that are similar to the one you choose. Be careful with this update. You may know how things work with Google searches. It could totally give you a headache and some pretty inaccurate information. If there are any areas on your skin about which you are concerned, you should totally make an appointment to see a dermatologist as soon as possible.

On the other hand, the tech giant is also launching quite a few new services geared specifically for travelers. To begin, it is adding Dublin, Amsterdam, Venice, and Florence to the list of cities that may be explored using the feature known as Immersive View, which provides a 3D representation of a city and allows users to navigate around it. That’s very remarkable, don’t you think?

And to go on to a completely another topic, how about we talk about fashion, seeing as how Google has also been doing fairly well in this area?

You may now search for products across different merchants using parameters such as style, pattern, and, of course, color. Then, when you do discover what you’re searching for, Google is aiming to fix the biggest problem with shopping for clothes online, which is the ambiguity about how the item will actually appear on you. Awesome!

Everything can be done as a result of a generative AI approach that can depict how the cloth will fit and how it will appear. For the time being, you may acquire it exclusively by shopping for tops at select stores such as H&M, Anthropologie, Everlane, and Loft, among others.

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.