Fortnite: Prime Shotgun Full Stats and Location

Source: Epic Games

Prime Shotgun is the brand-new shotgun in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3. Thanks to the latest Fortnite 21.30 update, we’ve got the chance to try a new weapon in the loot pool.

Epic Games regularly updates Fortnite, bringing tons of cool features, new challenges, and map changes. However, one of the most exciting things is a new weapon’s arrival, so you better not miss the chance and check out now the Prime Shotgun.

Find out more below about the Prime Shotgun’s full stats and location.

Fortnite Prime Shotgun: Where to Find It

Source: Epic Games

The Prime Shotgun sure looks fantastic, and it is great to see such weapons in Fortnite. But where can you find it?

Luckily, it’s not a mystery, and coming across a Prime Shotgun shouldn’t be challenging at all! The new shotgun is also part of the regular Fortnite loot pool, so you can’t find it in Supply Drops, Chests, as floot loot, and even in Loot Sharks. How cool is that?

BONUS: try searching for Chests and Supply Drops more as they can offer you a better chance to come across a rarer version of the Prime Shotgun.

Fortnite Prime Shotgun Full Stats

The new Prime Shotgun is now available to all Fortnite players, thanks to the recent 21.30 update. You can check out below the shotgun’s full stats:

All the details about the Prime Shotgun’s stats have been unveiled by Fortnite leakers, meaning that they might change along in the run. Epic could totally release nerfs and buffs in the future for the Prime Shotgun.

As you can notice, the shotgun is clearly a hit! It has extra firepower and a lot of headshot damage; that’s just great if you want to one-shot enemy players who don’t have max shield.

Stay tuned for more sleek Fortnite news and tips!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.