Fortnite: Destroy Chrome Structures by Following These Steps

Source: Epic Games

Wondering how to destroy Chrome structures in Fortnite Season 4? A new weekly set of quests is now available, challenging players to prove their best skills.

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 aired recently, and a strange Chrome thing infected everything on the Island, from POIs like Lustrous Lagoon and Herald’s Sanctum to even players. So, one of the latest challenges has players ‘Destroy Chrome Structures.’

We’ve compiled a cool guide on everything you need to know, including how to complete the quest and grab some sweet XP!

How to Destroy Chrome Structures in Fortnite Season 4

Chrome has taken over all the Fortnite map, changing pretty much everything. However, as strange as it might sound, it’s not necessarily bad if you can get something great from it.

So, here’s what you have to do to destroy Chrome Structures:

First, you need to build some ramps or walls and throw a Chrome Splash into them. Next, just hit them with your pickaxe a few more times just to be sure!

TIP: any Chromed structures that are like that at the start of a match won’t count at all, so don’t lose your time destroying them!

Source: Epic Games

Best POI to complete the challenge: Shimmering Shine!

Heading to Shimmering Shine to complete the quest will probably be the best idea! Why is that?

Shimmering Shine is full of Chrome Chests to open, meaning you’ll get plenty of Chrome Splashes to pick up. How cool, isn’t it?!

BONUS: you might as well try using some Chrome Splashes on an existing building and destroy it.

The weekly challenges in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 are great, especially if you want to grab some sweet XP in no time and level up the Battle Pass. So, don’t miss your chance here; make sure you complete all the quests.

Stay tuned for more sleek Fortnite news and tips!

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.