To make matter even colder than the darkest parts of space, a team of researchers has managed to chill it to within a billionth of a degree of absolute zero. The experiment, run at the University of Kyoto in Japan, ...

New data reveal that Doomsday Glacier is perilously close to collapse than experts believed. What’s more concerning is that there’s nothing we can do anymore. The glacier had episodes of fast retreat during the previous several centuries, which might be ...

Choosing climate-friendly foods is simpler than you would imagine, especially if you are concerned about the environment, climate change, and sustainability. But where to start? Researchers developed an algorithm to calculate the environmental impact of 57,000 food items using publicly ...

According to significant research, considerable areas of Amazon may never recover, and that’s probably one of the saddest things to happen to our planet. Scientists found that in some regions of the Amazon, environmental devastation is so severe that the ...

Scientists warn that we’re not ready for the next supervolcano eruption, and that’s quite shocking. Before we start panicking, which shouldn’t be the case, Earth already has a lot of threats, some of which we have just recently encountered. That ...

NASA discovered previously unknown Antarctic ice loss that’s concerning. The loss from ice shelves is now estimated to be twice as much as it was once, and new research, including the first map of iceberg calving, shows how the continent ...

Smoking cannabis is usually known as not being a good idea for people’s health. It can lead to lung infections, a daily cough, and more. But scientists from Cambridge University and King’s College London now come to contradict a bit ...

PEDP is a protein pigment epithelium-derived factor, which safeguards retinal support cells, and the loss of it may hasten age-related alterations in the retina, highlights a recent National Eye Institute (NEI) research. That being said, age-related macular degeneration-like symptoms can ...

A new study delivers a ‘warning to humanity,’ urging swift action to preserve the planet’s 60,000 tree species. The trees’ future seems bleak. Significant biodiversity losses would result from the widespread extinction of tree species. About 75 % of bird ...

According to recent research, Zimbabwe was the home of one of the oldest dinosaur species ever found on Earth and the oldest confirmed dinosaur species ever found in Africa. Mbiresaurs raathi, a 230 million-year-old dinosaur whose neighbors lived in Brazil, ...