Black holes are scary enough not to look further into the depths of the Universe. These savages beasts rest at the galaxies’ centers, weighing millions of times the mass of the Sun. They’re also the most mysterious objects that continue ...

New space discovery leaves astronomers in awe, but it’s not the first of its kind. A new gamma-ray burst has been detected, and it’s considered the shortest ever found in association with a collapsar. Astronomers dubbed it GRB 200826A, and ...

Look closely at the night sky with the naked eye for a few nights in a row. What do you see? If you didn’t see any meteors, you’ve been unlucky. Relatively small space rocks enter our atmosphere every day. Most ...

NASA’s bold mission to reach Jupiter’s ocean moon Europa is now supported by SpaceX. The news that SpaceX will offer NASA a rocket ride to the moon Europa emerged recently. If all goes by the plan, the $4.25 billion Europa ...

Scientists finally know how’s the nighttime weather on Venus thanks to a new technique! Our planetary neighbor is quite fascinating, but it can be a real challenge for scientists, especially when it comes to weather. We’ve known very little about ...

Not even all the money in the world will save you from death. Everybody dies, and in the end, there will be no trace of human beings on Earth. Our planet will become a total wasteland or even completely shattered, ...

The Hubble Space Telescope is now fixed thanks to a successful risky maneuver performed by NASA! The most powerful space telescope experienced a mysterious glitch for few weeks. The great news has just been announced along with a full report ...

A new study has recently shown that pieces of evidence of ancient life are present on Mars. The curiosity rover has made an interesting discovery while it was looking at a sedimentary rock rich in clay. It was found near ...

NASA is preparing to send its Lucy spacecraft into space in October, having the purpose of starting a 12-year journey to asteroids as well as six trojans of Jupiter. The spacecraft will be equipped with a time capsule for future ...

As new research about Venus emerges, we learn that the planet is more intriguing than previously believed. Back in 2020, traces of the gas phosphine were discovered in Venus’s upper atmosphere. Such a finding offers enough proof of explosive volcanoes ...