To make matter even colder than the darkest parts of space, a team of researchers has managed to chill it to within a billionth of a degree of absolute zero. The experiment, run at the University of Kyoto in Japan, ...

Once again, we must be aware of a huge asteroid that’s approaching our planet, unfortunately. 2022 RJ2 is the star of the show this time, and thankfully, we’ll get a happy ending. Asteroids can come in many sizes and shapes, ...

NASA plans to dress its astronauts in style for the Artemis III mission! As fancy as that sounds, there’s more than meets the eye. The ambitious fashion project will cost the space agency $228.5 million for some Moonwalking spacesuits that ...

LP 890-9b and LP 890-9c are the monikers of the two new “super-Earth” exoplanets that astronomers have found. As you have already guessed, both are larger than our planet. The two space bodies are orbiting the LP 890-9 star, and ...

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has captured a spooky giant space tarantula, where the biggest and hottest stars live. The Tarantula Nebula, aka 30 Doradus, is actually known as the ‘brightest star-forming place in the galaxies nearest our galaxy,’ according ...

Last Friday, September 2, China used a Long March 4C rocket to lift its Yaogan 33 (02) spy satellite into space. The supposed purpose of the launch has to do with monitoring the land, but there might be another purpose ...

New hints revealed by the European Space Agency (ESA) testify to the Red Planet’s once-watery history. The findings are genuinely intriguing. The option with the biggest promise is still Mars, our next-door cosmic neighbor, even if the quest for life ...

The Universe is not acting very friendly toward us lately, and unfortunately, we have to take into account another asteroid of imposing size that will approach our planet soon enough. 2022 RW is the ‘wiseguy’ in question, and it shall ...

Diamond rain may be falling from giant ice planets, and scientists believe that the generation of nanodiamonds on Earth might increase. Recent research on our planet shows an abundance of diamonds showering down on frigid planets like Uranus and Neptune. ...

James Webb Space Telescope captures the first direct image of an extraterrestrial world, and by the looks of it, we sure have a lot to explore. The space telescope’s success is once again proved by new data showcasing more puzzle ...