A recent study highlights the significance of modern crops. The lives of 3 to 6 million babies a year can be saved, and that’s not all. The news sure does bring us peace of mind at the end of one ...

There are now over 100,000 craters on Moon, and scientists are intrigued. The discovery was made in the low- and mid-latitude areas of the Moon. Scientists used AI that was given data gathered by Chinese lunar orbiters. Here is what ...

The food system could be soon triggered by quick and widespread biodiversity loss. And that’s not all. According to recent research, the worldwide food system really needs to be protected and changed to prevent a huge habitat decline. Such a ...

According to long-standing laws and other cosmic rules, stars are formed in thick clouds of molecular hydrogen gas. The full process is complicated, but some recent research can offer enough details except for a thing. What truly determines the level ...

All the Universe’s mess can be sum up in two words: dark matter. Or at least, that’s the most widely spread and accepted hypothesis. Recently, a team of astronomers have decided to take up into account another possibility. Here is ...

One of the most distant galaxies, dubbed GN-z11, is now in the spotlight.  According to an international team of astronomers, the astrophysical object will improve our understanding of the birth of stars and galaxies in the early Universe.  Here is ...

The signal was observed by the European LOFAR radio telescope, a network of 50,000 antennas spread across Europe and operating at very low frequencies, a field of energy still little exploited. The show comes from an already known system, Tau ...

WhatsApp will introduce in 2021 the possibility to make video and audio calls from the desktop, announced a company official, quoted by Reuters. Due to the pandemic, more and more people are participating in desktop discussions and conferences on applications ...

Vegetable oil is known for its benefits. There are many cultures worldwide extracting it successfully from plants. From lowering cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease, researchers find vegetable oil highly significant. But there’s a catch. This type of ...

Recently, a gene drive research, boosted by an advanced technology dubbed CRISPR-Cas9, has brought significant insights across science. Gene drive organisms, also known as GDOs, are produced with unique features that are also genetically developed to spread through a population. ...