While losing weight is a challenging process in itself, keeping it off is a whole different story. According to Eat This, Not That, a comprehensive meta-analysis of almost thirty studies published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that ...

Many people out there spend money each month to buy supplements and multivitamins, hoping to have better health. There’s no wonder why, as these are thought to maintain our health at optimum levels. But is that really true? According to ...

To diagnose a child with ASD (autism spectrum disorder), doctors had to look at his behavior and development history. Obviously, this was a difficult process since there were no blood tests or other medical tests to detect the disorder. But ...

There are numerous studies confirming how hugely beneficial working out is for our health. By engaging in physical exercise, even for a few minutes a day, you can even tackle mental conditions such as anxiety, stress, or depression. Also, you ...

Our bodies naturally produce Vitamin D under sun exposure, which makes many people not worry about getting enough of the organic molecule. But paradoxically enough, that can lead to vitamin D deficiency in some individuals as they neglect eating the ...

Monkeypox represents the latest concern of doctors, as the viral disease is causing more and more cases of infections across the world. More than 1,000 infections across 29 countries have been reported to the WHO so far. Mainly, it was ...

While the coronavirus causing the COVID disease has caused a lot of fuss and sorrow around the world for over two years already, we might need to be aware of a new threat. Bank voles (Myodes glareolus), meaning a type ...

Although it’s been around for more than half a century, monkeypox is ‘showing its fangs’ to the world in 2022. The virus can have a mortality rate of up to 10 percent, and its symptoms are indeed awful: swollen lymph ...

Let’s face it: getting the right food into your stomach isn’t easy. There’s a lot of information to take into account if you want to eat as healthy as possible. That’s why we’re here to help you out with some ...

You have the right to pursue compensation for an accident at work. Whether you’re hurt or have an industrial illness, your priority should be medical care. Having records of your accident is helpful if you need to claim benefits. After ...