With the help of Harvard and Georgia Tech, researchers at the University of Missouri are working to develop a novel therapy for diabetes that includes transplanting insulin-producing pancreatic cells into the body. About 1.8 million Americans have type 1 diabetes, ...

Treatment for depression may benefit from examining the relationship between the microbiome, the gut, and the brain. Most people think of the microbiome as a collective term for all of the microorganisms found in or on the human body, including ...

Optimism may help you live longer, according to a recent study. People who always focus on the cheerful side of life have a much higher chance of living to be 90 years old, according to a large-scale study.n In spite ...

Eye disease may have a direct impact on how long you live, according to new research. Nutrition, circadian rhythms, eyesight, and longevity are linked, according to the Buck Institute for Research on Aging. The research implies that ocular dysfunction may ...

While the coronavirus causing the COVID disease has caused a lot of fuss and sorrow around the world for over two years already, we might need to be aware of a new threat. Bank voles (Myodes glareolus), meaning a type ...

In a new research, researchers discovered that a medicine recently authorized by the FDA to manage type 2 diabetes could also assist individuals who do not have diabetes shed pounds. Tirzepatide, marketed as Mounjaro, was evaluated in three different doses ...

Higher testosterone levels have been linked to a lower risk of unemployment and a better chance of getting a job, according to new study. Testosterone levels seem to be linked to job-related behaviors and cognitive processes, according to a study ...

A recent research has shown that the posture you rest in may cause or alleviate illnesses like ALS. Laying on your side has been linked to a reduced risk of acquiring neurodegenerative disorders like ALS. The most frequent kind of ...

There’s no question that eating disorders can have a profound effect on our health. But did you know that they can also disrupt our hormone levels, causing a whole host of physical and psychological problems? Eating disorders are serious mental ...

Tomatoes gene-edited employing CRISPR biotechnology to produce a forerunner to vitamin D have been developed by a group of scientists as a possible new vegetarian alternative for vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency impacts an estimated 1 billion individuals worldwide, according ...