Vaccination for the COVID disease that’s spread through the SARS-CoV-2 virus is considered as one of the best ways to tackle the ongoing pandemic, but there will always be sceptical people out there. They have plenty of reasons to be ...

Despite their size, mosquitos are some of the most dangerous insects on the planet. These flying ‘vampires’ can carry diseases and transmit them to humans. However, in most cases, if a mosquito bites a person, it will result in just ...

On Saturday, the WHO (World Health Organisation) announced the demise of Guinea’s second Ebola outbreak, which was reported in February and took 12 lives. The WHO official tally reported 16 confirmed cases and seven possible infections. Thankfully, the restrained size ...

A recent study shows that men who got the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine didn’t experience a drop in sperm count or quality. Researchers from the University of Miami analyzed the sperm quality of 45 healthy volunteers before their initial ...

Researchers from Ben-Gurion University (also known as BGU) discovered a gene responsible for triggering glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer, which is also one of the reasons why the human brain ages. The study was conducted by Dr. Barak Rotblat ...

Roughly 700,000 Americans are living while diagnosed with a primary brain tumour. Brain cancer is not something light at all, and the ways of fighting it may never be enough. According to The Wall Street Journal, the seller of Gleostine, ...

COVID-19 is far from being the only respiratory illness that can affect us. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we must be aware of another condition that can become a serious threat: respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), ...

Among hero vitamins and minerals, you probably get them all, including Vitamin C, the most popular Vitamin D, and fiber. These nutrients are essential to keep your body healthy and various illnesses at bay. But, what if it isn’t enough? ...

Before Dr. Anthony Fauci became a fixture of COVID-related news coverage, he was very popular for his work during the AIDS crisis, which became problematic as an emerging mysterious and alarmin new sickness during the late ’70s. Saturday marks 40 ...

The West Nile virus is the main cause of mosquito-borne disease across the continental US. Staying away from mosquitos is crucial in the fight with the virus, as the little and apparently harmless insects can infect people through a simple ...