To help prevent the virus from spreading further and to save lives, the United States is launched multiple campaigns to encourage states, cities, and local health departments to ramp up their efforts to vaccinate everyone who needs to be vaccinated ...

Good news and bad news. Good news: Research shows that COVID-19 vaccines may protect the lungs of patients. Bad news: the number of U.S teens and young adults suffering from depression and suicide risks have increased during the pandemic. The ...

Running a usual COVID-19 test usually takes several hours. In a world where time is, in most situations, a luxury we can’t afford, faster solutions are always welcomed. Officials from many countries believe that rapid COVID-19 testing is practically mandatory ...

A recent report of the Commonwealth Fund provided a shocking assessment regarding America’s health care system. In contrast to comparably wealthy countries, the U.S. is last when it comes to health care, registering the highest infant and maternal mortality rates. ...

An expert suggests that tens of thousands of vaccinated individuals may get infected with COVID-19, but most of them won’t be considerably impacted by the virus. The intensity of the illness (which differs from the number of individuals who contract ...

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the number of death rates due to coronavirus infection have surged by 80% in Africa, with a 6,343 weekly rate. During a media briefing, WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhamon Ghebreyesus declared that the Delta ...

The U.S is still struggling to keep Covid-19 outbreaks under control, despite having 70% of the adult population (12 or more) vaccinated with one of the available vaccines: Moderna, PfizerBioNTech, and Johnson & Johnson. According to CDC data, recent outbreaks ...

Even though widespread use of these vaccines has resulted in a reduced number of infections and deaths in many countries, the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants that have mutated in their viral spike proteins lead to many reasons of worry regarding ...

The vaccination campaign against the SARS-CoV-2 virus began in the U.S in December 2020, when nurse Sandra Lindsay received the first dose of the PfizerBioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. Sandra Lindsay received her first shot in New York, a city that was ...

There’s a less than one percent chance that the changes in Earth’s energy absorption were caused naturally, according to researchers who studied the issue. A small change in the energy Earth receives from the sun or radiates back into space ...