The newest characters in NBA2K are J. Cole and Jack Harlow. Both are known to be passionate basketball fans, and now their obsession is one step forward, becoming playable characters. Only for a restricted time will the rappers take the ...

The intermediate-mass black hole revealed itself to astronomers when it guzzled up a star strayed too close. The shredding of the star produced a flare of radiation that shortly outshone the combined stellar light, known as a “tidal disruption event.” ...

The dynamic island gets a small but significant change in iOS 16.2 Beta, and also it is the best new feature found for the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max models. The shape-shifting multitasking notification console will appear ...

The Weeknd’s debut album, Dawn Fm, debuted at #1 on Apple Music and Spotify in the United States and 125 other countries. The total number of streams has topped 500 million. The artist has two rare albums in the top ten. ...

Tim Burton is directing a new Addams Family about Wednesday Addams. This new spinoff series is titled as the main character ‘Wednesday,’ and is coming on Netflix. The director collaborated with many actors like Deep, Christina Ricci, Michelle Pfeiffer, Michael Keaton, and ...

It speculates that in 2023, Earth will experience two lunar eclipses. On May 5 will be the next lunar eclipse that will be visible across parts of Asia, Africa, and Australia, and it will be a penumbral eclipse. The second ...

In London, on Sunday, Nov 6, Backstreet Boys tribute to Aaron Carter with a unique and emotional show. It was an inner set for Nick Carter after the loss of his little brother. Following Aaron Carter’s death, Kevin Richardson said ...

Aaron Carter died at age 34. An agent for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department told CNN they answered a call for help at Carter’s Lancaster, California home. On Saturday morning was found a deceased person was found around 11 ...

Nike suspended its relationship with Kyrie Irving on November 4. Also, the Nets had already broken the star for at least five games until he would take remedial measures, calling him “unfit to be associated” with the team. Why did ...

Drake and 21 Savage released their joint LP, ‘Her Loss.’ The album was scheduled to drop on October 28, but it was delayed a week after Drake’s producer Noah “40” Shebib, contracted COVID-19 while mastering and mixing the album. Drake ...