Are Aliens Finally Visiting Us? Check Out Incredible Footage of a Sparkling Ball Falling From the Sky Fast

Source: Pixabay

It’s not mandatory to be an astronomer to realize that it would be absurd for the Universe to have been created only for us humans. Other intelligent forms of life should be out there as well somewhere, and many believe that it is just a matter of time until we find them.

But if we can’t go to other planets where aliens might live, why wouldn’t those aliens come to us? Some believe that the Earth has already been visited by life forms from other planets, and there’s no wonder why. Nobody can fully explain nowadays how the pyramids from Egypt were made, for instance.

A massive ball falling from the sky in Central Indiana ignites our imagination

Americans are now trying to understand what was the huge ball of light that fell from the sky in Central Indiana early in the morning on Friday. It could be an asteroid, a comet, or a meteor, but it could also represent the long-awaited arrival of extraterrestrial beings.

WRTV brings the news about the peculiar phenomenon appearing in the sky above Central Indiana. Feel free to check out the relevant footage below:

Mike Hankey, the operations manager for the American Meteor Society, explains, as WRTV quotes:

Most fireballs disintegrate in the atmosphere, however a small subset can survive passage and produce meteorites. Delayed booms, are usually a sign that some meteorites may have survived. In this case, there were almost a dozen reports with delayed booms. This is good for meteorites.

If the phenomenon was nothing but a purely explainable event, such as a meteor or comet, it surely wouldn’t be something the world has never seen. Fireballs, meaning very bright meteors, are seen from time to time falling towards the Earth’s surface.

What is your opinion on the subject? Would you also place your bet on aliens as an explanation for the phenomenon?

Cristian Antonescu
Cristian is in love with technology, as are many of us. He has a vast experience as a content writer in the field. He's involved especially in the hardware area, where he covers the latest news regarding smartphones, laptops, PC components, and so on.