Last week’s Streaming Charts stirred quite the buzz, welcoming some cool and exciting titles, according to JustWatch.
And that’s not all! Some changes have also been made, and they might come as unexpected. Let’s have a look at the tops:
Top 10 TV shows in the United States last week (05/30– 06/05)
Star Wars spinoff Obi-Wan Kenobi has landed in the first place, and this is no surprise considering the way fans received the show! Stranger Things, and its new fourth season, came in second, followed by Better Call Saul on third and Yellowstone on fourth.
Other titles include The Boys, Under the Banner of Heaven, and Prehistoric Planet.
As for the movie streaming charts, Top Gun is still a winner, keeping its position in the first place!
Top 10 Movies in the United States last week (05/30– 06/05)
Top Gun is followed by Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, starring Mads Mikkelsen, Jude Law, and Katherine Waterston, in the second place, and the Viking epic story, The Northman, in third.
Other titles include The Lost City, Spider-Man: No Way Home, and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.
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