New data from the Cassini spacecraft predicts that NASA’s Dragonfly mission to Saturn’s giant moon would land on a landscape with dunes and frozen bedrock. But there’s more than meets the eye! Titan, Saturn’s biggest moon, will soon be finally ...

China launched the ASO-S satellite to research solar and space weather in what seems to be one of the most challenging space missions the country has developed. The Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory (ASO-S) satellite was launched from Jiuquan Satellite Launch ...

A fantastic image shows a million-mile-long plume emerging from the Sun, and it’s like nothing you’ve seen before. Professional astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy took the incredible picture. According to the astrophotographer, the blazing filament, also known as a coronal mass ejection ...

Soon, a far-off asteroid will be intentionally hit by the NASA Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART). It sounds so ambitious that even our wildest SF dreams can’t beat that! This space mission marks humanity’s first effort to purposefully crash a ...

There are countless reports across the world about UFO sightings. There are plenty of mysteries and wonders out there in the world. How could a civilization of thousands of years old build something so complex and precise as the Egyptian ...

A meteorite that crashed on a driveway in the town of Winchcombe in the Cotswold region of the United Kingdom a year ago contained water that originated from another planet. According to some accounts, the Winchcombe meteorite is considered to ...

The Perseverance rover, which is operated by NASA, has recently made a finding that has a large deal of people who are expecting to uncover signs of life beyond Earth extremely thrilled. The finding is that there are organics on ...

A significant new accomplishment that was just accomplished by Chinese scientists was the discovery of the sixth new lunar mineral. The surface samples sent back by the nation’s Change 5 robotic mission allowed them to make the discovery of the ...

Our solar system’s biggest planet, Jupiter, will soon come closer to Earth than it has in the last 70 years. On September 26, when it is at opposition, the planet is at its brightest and easiest to see. Seen from ...

NASA’s rover provides the most comprehensive image of Mars’ surface we’ve ever seen! Perseverance succeeded in scanning a great 2.5 billion pixels of Martian ground, and now more data is available. Read the full report below and explore Mars in ...