An exciting new era has begun in the quest for Earth-sized planets orbiting neighboring stars, which are extremely challenging to discover given their tiny size, with the “first light” of new planet-hunting equipment at W. M. Keck Observatory. The Keck ...

The “Cone Nebula” is depicted in breathtaking clarity in an image that was just made public. Approximately 2,500 lightyears separate us from it. The dramatic new view of the nebula shown at the end of the video, showcases its dark ...

What about these new asteroids known as ‘Planet Killers’?  Astronomers have detected three asteroids near Earth. Two of them are a potential threat as ‘planet killer’ because of their hazardous and large size, but the good part is that they ...

This new instrument is ready to fly to Europa or Enceladus. But for what exactly is this instrument? NASA scientists are trying to find new locations where life could exist. So far, it is Saturn’s moon En, celadus, and Jupiter’s ...

After more than three years, SpaceX’s massive Falcon Heavy rocket has just blown fire for the first time during a ‘static fire’ test. SpaceX’s new mission is quite ambitious, and the prelaunch trials, which included temporarily igniting a rocket’s first-stage ...

Nine times, with the help of advanced parachutes, huge airbags, and jetpacks, NASA has managed to land spacecraft on the surface of Mars. Now, engineers are looking at whether or not a crash landing is the quickest way to the ...

An examination of lunar materials that were brought back from the moon by China’s Chang’e 5 mission has created a new theory regarding the volcanism that occurred on the moon in its more recent past. The lunar samples that were ...

NASA’s latest spacecraft, dubbed Lucy, will pass by Earth on its way to the distant Jupiter Trojan asteroids, passing only a few hundred miles away from us. According to NASA, some fortunate viewers may be able to see Lucy from ...

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has already proved that it has what it takes to explore space and beyond. Recent data again support the telescope’s fantastic work by revealing incredible cosmic features! Astronomers were left in awe after they ...

Researchers are now able to compute the age and rate of the Universe’s expansion with an unparalleled level of accuracy thanks to a new map of the distances of tens of thousands of galaxies. Even though the cosmos continually expands, ...