Warts are a prevalent skin ailment that is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). One curious thing about warts is that they are often painless and can be treated in a short amount of time. So you don’t necessarily have ...

“Disease X” is generating a great deal of fear in Britain, and as a result, specialists in the field of public health have encouraged the government to maintain a state of readiness for the arrival of a new pathogen. This ...

Your kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs that play an essential role in your body. These organs coordinate with other vital organs such as the liver, heart, and the brain to keep you healthy. They are responsible for keeping ...

Consequently, little is known about their migrations and much less about how illnesses spread among puma communities. A new study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution by researchers from the University of Minnesota, Colorado State University, and Colorado Parks and ...

Over the last several decades, researchers have discovered a slew of genes involved in immune system processes that may have a role in Alzheimer’s disease. Some of the leading possibilities are genes that govern the modest tiny immune cells known ...