For centuries, mankind has wanted to go to Mars. But the costs to go there are huge, the fuel has to last for months, and not anybody would be willing to spend years away from Earth. To make things worse, ...

In the middle of November, Epic Games, the creators of Fortnite, will shut down the battle royale app in China. According to a translated message on Fortnite’s website, this is the end of the game. Starting two weeks from now, ...

China is the country with the biggest number of internet users in the world. Statistics show that there are more than 1 billion internet users in China, making China the biggest online community in the world. The internet has revolutionized ...

Mars has become the dream destination for many astronomers in recent years. Although humans probably won’t get the chance to move there, at least in the next decades or centuries, sending spacecraft on the Red Planet to gather as much ...

Who was the very first COVID patient? Who was the so unlucky fellow who caught the coronavirus and started to spread it? Researchers had always been asking themselves these questions. The first COVID outbreak started in Wuhan, a city of ...

If we take a look at the recent astronomical advancements and what many scientists want, building a little colony on Mars should be a feasible project for the next decades. China now joins the list of countries that are planning ...

Perhaps the dinosaurs would have been around even today if the Chicxulub impactor never wiped them all out 66 million years ago. While in a parallel universe, we might be friends with some of those huge creatures, palaeontologists still have ...