Unfortunately, once again, our certainty is confirmed that the internet is not a safe place at all. There’s a new malware for Android phones out there that got improved, and we all should consider it. It carries the name ‘BRATA,’ ...

Just in case you didn’t find out until now that vaccines exist, Google is there to remind you once again. Android phones are well-known for their built-in Google Assistant that you can use in those moments when you need some ...

Without a doubt, Google’s Chrome browser has gathered a lot of people using it from mobile phones. Those having gadgets that run on Android are more numerous, however, which is obvious. The Android operating system was also created by Google. ...

Most Android developers are faced with a considerable question when they are finished developing an app for the operating system – Where to release the app? There are so many app stores available out there. Most developers are particularly interested ...

Staying safe as you’re going online is very difficult these days, as hackers come up with more and more evil ways to steal passwords, credentials, and even money. The simple act of remaining vigilant is perhaps the best way to ...

You might not have a perfect phone or service, but you can still install Android 12 and unlock its true potential. With 12, you’ll get access to tons of new and improved features that are ready to improve your Android ...

WhatsApp once again has plans for satisfying its over 2 billion users. The world’s most famous instant messaging app never ceases to amaze us, and it’s now preparing a feature for allowing users to fully encrypt the backups of their ...

Let’s admit it: it’s hard to imagine our lives without WhatsApp these days. Pretty much everyone uses the Facebook-owned service, and it’s almost impossible to avoid using it for yourself. We’re socially forced by our co-workers, classmates, family, and friends ...

If you’ve downloaded certain apps from Google Play Store, your bank accounts could be in serious trouble. The “Joker” virus is back in business, doing its evil scheme across Android devices. We’re talking about a powerful malware capable of subscribing ...

We almost cannot imagine our lives nowadays without apps and services offered by Google. Maps, YouTube, Gmail, Waze, Blogger, Lens, you name it. They’re all incredibly useful. They improved the living of many of us. Technology always evolves, and so ...