Dragon Ball has been around for decades and has been known for its thrilling battles, epic transformations, and fusion techniques. The series has introduced us to a lot of fusion combinations, but there are still some fusion possibilities that we ...

When a user is away from home and using Netflix on a device that is not at home, they will need to get a temporary code for logging in, which will provide them access to their account for a period ...

Get ready for a new Redmi phone because the Redmi Note 11 Pro 2023 has just been confirmed! Xiaomi is apparently working on a new Redmi offering featuring some of the best features and specs we’ve seen so far. Redmi ...

Our Solar System’s heliosphere has never looked so great! Thanks to a team of astronomers, we now have the first-ever 3D map of the Solar System’s boundaries. This discovery could help us get a better image of our Solar System’s ...

The Season of Legends aired in Pokemon Go last week and added a lot of new sleek content to dig in. From changes in spawn areas, season-exclusive Special Research tasks, to new Legendary Pokemon, you should check out the new ...

It is estimated that about 60% of Americans are considered overweight, and over one-third of the nation is obese. Despite the growing attention being paid to weight issues, it’s not getting any easier to control our cravings for unhealthy foods. ...

Bedrock by Amazon is a new cloud service for artificial intelligence-generated text and pictures that quite surprised everyone. The company’s decision to launch such a thing proves how another business is trying to understand the AI “game” and bring something ...

Imagine being able to shoot through walls in Fortnite! Talk about an advantage! You could be hiding behind cover, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, and BOOM – suddenly, you can take out your opponents without even having to ...

The earth is quickly warming and causing record drought, fatal floods and rare Arctic melting events. It also leads to a gradual increase in sea level that scientists believe will last for decades. A recent analysis from the non-profit research ...

Most people consider sentience and cognition to be characteristics of individual creatures, but the authors of a new research contend that intelligence occurs on a global level and that all biology on Earth functions as a single conscious system. The ...