New Instagram Reels Update Makes Everything Better!

Credit: Instagram

A new editing tool is one of the best Reels upgrades we’ve got in a while by Instagram. The updated editor is so cool that it can actually combine text, stickers, music, video clips, and both iOS and Android versions of the operating system into a single, better-organized interface, according to Meta. In an effort to challenge the legend that is TikTok, the company explained that even more editing capabilities would soon be available. Quite impressive, isn’t it?!

So, how will the new Reels features work?

Creators of reels who want to go viral and grow their Instagram followings will have a better time on the platform showing their true colors and coming up with great stuff! They will be able to check out the top audio and hashtags on this “trends destination,” way easier. And what’s best is that right from the dashboard, they can visit the tab! The creators will also be able to determine how frequently other people have used a song and then choose to either add the audio to their own reel or store it for later. Well, that’s really something worth the update!

Check out the photo below of the new Instagram Reels update in action:

Credit: Instagram

Finally, To learn more about how viewers interact with each reel beyond view counts, the creators will totally be able to check the overall watch time and average watch time. Another thing is that they’ll also receive updates displaying who started following them from which reel. They may learn what their audience is less interested in watching and change their future reels if it appears that the majority of viewers are leaving at a particular moment in a video. That’s a thing that’ll really improve the Instagram experience for both creators and other users!

Stay tuned for more cool updates!

Georgia Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.