Mental Health Break Days: When Do You Need One?

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The best way I know to take care of your mental health is to pay attention to the early signals that it’s time to care for your mental health. Often, we are so busy taking care of other people that we neglect ourselves. The stress of constant obligations and demands can lead to burnout, which can reduce the quality of life.

If this sounds familiar, it may be time to consider taking a mental health day.

Taking a mental health day is not unlike taking a vacation, but with the added bonus of taking time to restore your body and mind.
If you are feeling overworked and exhausted, a mental health day can help. Taking a mental health day can be a chance for you to recharge, which has been proven to improve health and well-being. Here are some tips that could help you prepare the ideal mental health break day.

Take a day off. You can’t fix what you can’t see. Take a day off from work or from a particular project or task. Don’t try to tackle it all at once. Instead, tackle it in smaller, more manageable bites.

  • Choose your poison. Do something that will help you get your mind off work, or that requires you to step away. For instance, take a walk, go the gym, or clean a messy room.
  • Turn to friends. Having friends you can talk to when you are feeling overwhelmed is a crucial part of taking care of your mental health. And you don’t need a best friend. Just having one or two friends to talk to can be enough.
  • Stretch. Getting your blood pumping can help you feel better, too. So get up and stretch, do yoga or gym exercises, or just go for a walk around the block.
  • Write it down. Keeping a stress journal can help you keep track of what you experience when
Susan Kowal
Susan Kowal is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor/advisor, and health enthusiast.