‘Dragon Ball: The Breakers’ Brings Vegeta, Nappa, and the Saibamen in Season 2 – Watch Trailer

Credit: Steam

Remember back in the day when Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans, was evil to the core? Remember when he was determined to destroy Earth, along with Goku and his friends? In that dark past of Vegeta, the famous Saiyan had no remorse whatsoever when anybody dared to stay in his way.

Dragon Ball: The Breakers, the game that came out back in October 2022, presents an environment where your job as a player is to run away from various tyrannic villains, such as Frieza, Cell, or Majin Buu.

Season 2 starts on February 16

Those willing to enjoy what Season 2 has to offer for Dragon Ball: The Breakers will have to wait only two days more. As you’ve probably already guessed, Vegeta will be the new Raider, while Nappa and the Saibamen will be his henchmen. The Saiyan Prince will also get the chance to transform into a Great Ape, which will dramatically increase his powers as it happened in the anime. Even Goku was no match for Vegeta at that point.

Interestingly enough, the player will start as a Saibamen, which means that his power level should be nowhere near the one of Vegeta. The player will also get the chance to be promoted to Nappa and even into Vegeta at some point.

If you want to play the game on a PC, it’s recommended to have a processor such as an Intel Core i7-8700 or AMD Ryzen 5 3600, a graphics card such as GeForce GTX 780 or Radeon RX 570. Surprisingly or not, it’s enough to have only 10GB of free storage space on your drive, which is a clear indicator that the game doesn’t need a lot of space.

It’s also possible to play Dragon Ball: The Breakers even if you have a weaker PC. The game will run even if you have a processor such as AMD Ryzen 3, but there’s no use expecting the same kind of performance as in the case of a higher configuration.

Cristian Antonescu
Cristian is in love with technology, as are many of us. He has a vast experience as a content writer in the field. He's involved especially in the hardware area, where he covers the latest news regarding smartphones, laptops, PC components, and so on.