Mars is not what you would expect an alien planet to be like. It has a thick atmosphere with much carbon dioxide, but it also has water ice at its poles and an unexplored interior with pockets of very intense ...

Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are usually found at the center of galaxies, playing a huge role in the existence of those stellar conglomerates. It’s also the case of our Milky Way galaxy, which has a supermassive black hole located in ...

The near-Earth asteroid 3200 Phaethon is very special for many reasons. One of its highlights is the fact that it gets brighter as it gets near to the Sun, though it doesn’t have any ice reserves that normally produce that ...

Mars has become the dream destination for many astronomers in recent years. Although humans probably won’t get the chance to move there, at least in the next decades or centuries, sending spacecraft on the Red Planet to gather as much ...

Do you know how essential gravity is in the Universe? It acts as a peculiar ‘glue,’ that ties everything together strangely yet fascinating. We can also use gravity to spot distant cosmic features, an effect dubbed gravitational lensing predicted by ...

Black holes are sometimes called “the ultimate monster of the cosmos”—an In. They formed when the density of matter in the Universe was at its highest—and thus, they become very dangerous for any object in their vicinity. Black holes are ...

Our galaxy is quite ravishing as it unfolds right before our eyes. Astronomers are thrilled anytime they find something peculiar about it because they’re closer to solve some long-standing mysteries. A recent discovery unveils that Milky Way has an odd ...

There had always been interesting mysteries revolving around planet Saturn. Why is the space object made almost entirely of gases? Why does it have those iconic and beautiful rings? Why is it so huge in the first place? Why does ...

Ever wondered how sunlight is on other planets? Well, you may never know when you could actually come across some proof! Venus is well-known for its inhospitality. It’s a nightmarish planet, rough at edges, and apparently, the most reflective planet ...

Our Sun is estimated to be about 4.6 billion years old. That estimate was formed via models of Sun-like stars, plus observations of comparable stars. However, scientists also know that the Sun became hotter as time passed, and estimates suggest ...