New findings come to spoil the dreams of many and relieve the tension for others. It depends on which side you are. Someone once said that whether alien life exists or not, both scenarios can be equally frightening. But for ...

An octopus’s neurological and cognitive intricacy may have its origins in a molecular similarity to the human mind, as per a recent research. The amazing intellect of these interesting creatures may be explained by a novel molecular comparison. The octopus ...

Scientists have identified the first evidence known to infect a collection of microorganisms that may comprise the origins of all advanced life. New avenues for research into the concept that viruses were vital to the development of sophisticated living forms ...

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), which serves as NASA’s “eye in the sky” in orbit around the Moon, has located the impact site of the unidentified rocket booster that crashed into the opposite side of the Moon on March 4, ...

In our solar system, Jupiter was one of the earliest planets to form, but we know very little about the process through which it came to be. Jupiter, according to a new scientific research, is the biggest planet in our ...

The notion of playing online games might be scary for anybody. There are many real reasons to avoid online gaming today, including the widespread trolling that still exists in game spaces despite the efforts of corporations like PlayStation to combat ...

A light-operating fish bot has been developed by scientists. This fish robot is able to swiftly move about, gathering up and eliminating plastic particles from their natural surroundings. It has proven difficult to eliminate microplastics from water habitats because they ...

Because of the information that may be gleaned from asteroids and the meteorites that break off from them and plummet to Earth, astronomers will often refer to asteroids being time capsules. In light of the fact that the asteroid named ...

Southeast Greenland is home to a small but genetically unique community of polar bears. Polar bears may live without recourse to sea ice, which is essential for their survival, according to researchers who examined and followed the bears. Rather, they ...

An American mastodon inhabited what is now the Midwest more than 13,000 years ago. Every year, he went to the same location in northeast Indiana, which is thought to be a breeding habitat for these birds. In combat, he was ...